Chabé Mary Cocktail

On some cold yet comfortable nights, sometimes a bit of chamomile does just the job to relax the mind. But just tea isn’t the only way to take it. One of my little known yet very tasty mixes is Irish whiskey and chamomile tea. It came to me on a late study night years ago. Before the time of energy infused whiskey, coffee based stout beer, and caffeine filled mixers, my fellow students and I found interesting ways to power through our all night study-sessions.

It was a moment of eureka. Low energy, no jitters, but it keeps you up and you have a good time. It was simply coined “Irish Spiked Chamomile Tea” and it became a staple for many years. And today, I’d like to reinvent the recipe by adding a touch of spice to bring it closer to a Bloody Mary. On paper, it might sound crazy, but this cocktail tastes absolutely amazing. We call it “The Chabé Mary.”


  • Irish Whiskey

  • Loose Leaf Chamomile Tea

  • Bottle of Chabé Chili

  • Ice cubes


  1.  Brew one serving of chamomile tea in your preferred method. I personally like to use a classic stone tea kettle.
  2. Pour one shot/jigger (or two if you’re feeling adventurous) of Irish Whisky of your choice into a cocktail shaker. The go-to choices are often Jameson or Bushmills, but I personally think Tullamore Dew works best for this. And wherever you’re buying Chabé Chili, chances are they also sell these options as well.
  3. Once the tea is brewed to your liking, pour into a tea mug and let cool for a bit. This is a good time to have a moment of mindfulness and breathe in the steam flowing from the tea. This, already, is going to relax you.
  4. Drop a good amount of ice into your shaker. Ideally, we’d want medium sized cubes, as smaller cubes will likely melt into the tea.
  5. Pour your warm/slightly hot tea into your shaker. Close the shaker tight and shake vigorously. We want to cool the tea to create what is essentially iced tea. If your shaker is metal, you can likely feel the mix cooling in your hands.
  6. Pour the mix into a cocktail glass without pouring the ice.
  7. Add 3 or 4 drops of Chabé Chili to the glass and stir until incorporated.
  8. Once the mix seems adequately stirred, add a large ice cube and serve! Please enjoy responsibly!

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